(This was my random question on my profile on here, but it was too long to post... so here it is! xD)
One day there was this baby frog wandering around the Sahara. Needless to say, he was very lost. All he wanted to do was find his mother and siblings (his father walked out on him when he was very young) but no matter how far he traveled, he couldn't find them. On his journey, he ran into a four legged furry creature. We know this creature to be a lion. A cub, to be exact. This cub knew what it was like for the frog because he himself had run away many times and ended up losing track of his family. He decided to let the frog stay with him. So the little frog grew up with the lion and his family. As they both grew older, the frog was very sad, for his best friend the lion was growing hair and the frog stayed hairless and slimy. He felt even more of an outcast than normal. So for a present, the lions cut some hair from their tails and made a little mane/wig out of the hairs for the little frog and presented it to him as a surprise. So now the previously bald frog runs around with his family, the lions, always wearing his wig the lions crafted for him. And he was happy all his days. The end. - Yes, written by me, Sarah Brana. :/
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